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Results for "tradition: "Philosophy""
This Changes Everything Heard about the Internet's creepy next wave? If you haven't, Sue Halpern's coverage of four recent books on the subject gives you a front-row seat on the spectacle that is slowly and quietly unfoldi…
The Spiritual Alphabet in China I have spent a lot of time in mainland China over the years, teaching process philosophy to students young and old. The youngest are in kindergarten and the oldest are in their late eighties. I’ve…
Reclaiming Wonder I was perusing the courses offered by the School of Life in London, England, when I came across a promotion for "Reclaiming Wonder." The teacher was listed as Francesco Dimitri, a novelist and fanta…
Keep Walking Proverb Every day of your life is a page in your history. — Arabic Proverb Practice Recall a treasured memory of a loved one. Sip on it mentally and emotionally. — Joyce Rupp in Praye…
Hinduism, Buddhism, and... Money? By Vidushi Sharma in the KidSpirit Money and Value issue. Artwork by Amy Liu (This was originally posted on KidSpirit in June 2012) This June if you’d walked into the last KidSpirit Editori…
Be a Mirror Philosophical Wisdom Write it on your heart that every day is the best day of the year. — Ralph Waldo Emerson, American essayist and transcendentalist Nature Wisdom The grand show is ete…
In Life and Business: Learning to Be Ethical In the, Alina Tugend writes about a new website which will bring together research and resources on business ethics, a subject that is receiving more attention the…
Variety's Best Movie Scenes of 2015 The staff of Variety, the entertainment trade publication, has put together a list of 14 of 2015's best movie scenes. We were quite interested to take a look at their choices. Years ago when we publ…
Love as a Spiritual Practice Spiritual Wisdom Love is not something that you just fall into, as the romantic songs suggest. Love is a spiritual practice. You can get better at it over time. — Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat…
"J" is for Justice What is Justice Like? ​ Bread. A clean sky. Active peace. A woman's voice singing somewhere. The army disbanded. The harvest abundant. The wound healed. The child wanted. The prisoner freed…